Australian Election Study reports
Book: Electoral Integrity in America
Electoral Integrity in America: Securing Democracy
Offers new evidence on major challenges facing American elections
Covers diverse issues including the weaknesses of electoral laws, overly-restrictive electoral registers, gerrymandering district boundaries, fake news, lack of transparency, and inconsistent state regulations
Outlines what could be done to strengthen integrity and American democracy
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian. (2024). The decline of political leader popularity: Partisan dealignment and leader integrity in Australia. Electoral Studies, 87.
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian. (2024). The Coup Capital of the Democratic World? Voters and Prime Ministerial Change in Australia. Australian Journal of Politics and History, 70(1), 120-134.
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian. (2024). Australian political opinion: from the 2019 election to COVID-19. Papers on Parliament, 71, 4-27.
Cameron, Sarah. (2023). Voluntary Associations. In Maria Grasso, & Marco Giugni (Eds.), Elgar Encyclopedia of Political Sociology. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Cameron, Sarah, McAllister, Ian, Jackman, Simon, & Sheppard, Jill. (2022). The 2022 Australian Federal Election: Results from the Australian Election Study. Canberra: The Australian National University.
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian. (2022). Trends in Australian Political Opinion: Results from the Australian Election Study 1987-2022. Canberra: The Australian National University.
Cameron, Sarah. (2021). Civic engagement in times of economic crisis: A cross-national comparative study of voluntary association membership. European Political Science Review, 13(3), 265-283.
Cameron, Sarah, & Pietsch, Juliet. (2021). Migrant attitudes towards democracy in Australia: Excluded or allegiant citizens? Australian Journal of Politics and History, 1-16.
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian. (2021). Australian Political Opinion: From the 2019 election to COVID-19. Papers on Parliament.
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian. (2020). Policies and performance in the 2019 Australian federal election. Australian Journal of Political Science, 55(3), 239-256.
Cameron, Sarah. (2020). Government performance and dissatisfaction with democracy in Australia. Australian Journal of Political Science, 55(2), 170-190.
Cameron, Sarah. (2020). Theorising populism in democratic societies. European Political Science,
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian. (2019). The 2019 Australian Federal Election: Results from the Australian Election Study. Canberra: The Australian National University.
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian. (2019). Trends in Australian Political Opinion: Results from the Australian Election Study 1987-2019. Canberra: The Australian National University.
Norris, Pippa, Cameron, Sarah, & Wynter, Thomas (Eds.). (2019). Electoral Integrity in America: Securing Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Norris, Pippa, Cameron, Sarah, & Wynter, Thomas (2019). Challenges in American elections. In Pippa Norris, Sarah Cameron, & Thomas Wynter (Eds.), Electoral Integrity in America: Securing Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Norris, Pippa, Wynter, Thomas, & Cameron, Sarah (2019). Conclusions: Lessons for the reform agenda. In Pippa Norris, Sarah Cameron, & Thomas Wynter (Eds.), Electoral Integrity in America: Securing Democracy. New York: Oxford University Press.
Wynter, Thomas, Norris, Pippa, & Cameron, Sarah (2019). El Registro de Votantes en las Americas: un Balance entre la Inclusion y la Seguridad (Voter registration in the Americas: Balancing inclusion and security). In Irma Mendez, Ferran Martnez i Coma and Nicolas Loza (Eds.), Integridad Electoral: Mexico en perspectiva global . Ciudad de Mexico, Mexico: Flacso Mexico.
Cameron, Sarah, & Wynter, Thomas. (2018). Campaign finance and perceptions of interest group influence in Australia. Political Science, 70(2), 169-188.
Norris, Pippa, Wynter, Thomas, & Cameron, Sarah (2018). Electoral Integrity & Campaign Media: The Electoral Integrity Project 2018 mid-year update. Available at
Norris, Pippa, Wynter, Thomas, & Cameron, Sarah (2018). Corruption and Coercion: The Year in Elections 2017. Available at
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian. (2017). Trust, Parties, and Leaders: Findings from the 1987-2016 Australian Election Study. Papers on Parliament, 68, 131-150.
Norris, Pippa, Wynter, Thomas, Grömping, Max, & Cameron, Sarah (2017). The Year in Elections, 2017 Mid-Year Update. Available at
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian. (2016). Trends in Australian Political Opinion: Results from the Australian Election Study 1987-2016. Canberra: The Australian National University.
McAllister, Ian, & Cameron, Sarah (2014). Trends in Australian Political Opinion: Results from the Australian Election Study 1987-2013. Canberra: The Australian National University.
Cameron, Sarah. (2013). Inspiring a generation? Pro-environmental behaviour change and the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games. Environmental Scientist, 22(1), 82-84.
McAllister, Ian, Cameron, Sarah, McEachern, Steven, Perry, Ryan, & Chen, Weifan (2024). Australian Election Study Integrated Time Series Data. Available on Dataverse:
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian (2023). Australian Election Study Interactive Data . Available at:
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian (2023). Australian Election Study, 1987-2022 Trends. Available on Dataverse:
McAllister, Ian, Sheppard, Jill, Cameron, Sarah, & Jackman, Simon (2022). Australian Election Study, 2022. Available on Dataverse:
McAllister, Ian, Bean, Clive, Gibson, Rachel, Makkai, Toni, Sheppard, Jill, Cameron, Sarah (2023) Australian Election Study, Longitudinal Panel Data (2016-2022). Available on Dataverse:
Cameron, Sarah, & McAllister, Ian (2019). Australian Election Study, 1987-2019 Trends. Available on Dataverse:
McAllister, Ian, Bean, Clive, Gibson, Rachel, Makkai, Toni, Sheppard, Jill, & Cameron, Sarah (2019). Australian Election Study, 2019. Available on Dataverse: doi:10.26193/KMAMMW
McAllister, Ian, Bean, Clive, Gibson, Rachel, Makkai, Toni, Sheppard, Jill, & Cameron, Sarah (2019). Australian Election Study, Longitudinal Panel Data (2016-2019). Available on Dataverse: doi:10.26193/C2QIYA
Norris, Pippa, Wynter, Thomas, & Cameron, Sarah (2018). Perceptions of Electoral Integrity 6.5. Available on Dataverse:
Norris, Pippa, Wynter, Thomas, & Cameron, Sarah (2018). Perceptions of Electoral Integrity 6.0. Available on Dataverse: